Friday, November 6, 2009

{Grateful: warmly or deeply appreciative of kindness or benefits received}

alrite, so given that this is the month of thanksgiving...I have decided to challenge myself to be keenly aware of all the things I have to be grateful for. I feel like I am generally a thankful, happy person...but there are definitely days where I lose sight of all the blessings in my life.
So this month I am challenging myself to live out something I call the {The Art of being Grateful}, wish means everyday I am going to post atleast one thing that I am grateful for(and just try to be genuinely aware of it all day). Some days this will be easy as cake, other days when I'm overwhelmed or frusturated it will be much more difficult, but all the more necessary.
So, I would love for you to join me...just post once, twice, as many times as you want during the day about something you are grateful for...and if you ask me, that will be such a nice way to spend November. Being immensely grateful and hearing about the blessing of others!!! Hope you join me!! loves....

so let me start: I am so grateful for the obvious, my husband and my son...they bless me more than I can even begin to express.

1 comment:

catching caterpillars said...

I am thankful for your Carley!!! I love you and our friendship more than chocolate!!! which is another thing I am grateful for... :-) xoxo